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Організація трансферу в безпечну зону Ukraine
Mihail Andreev Бер 30, 2022

Організація трансферу в безпечну зону

Від початку російсько-української війни наші збройні сили закликали мирних жителів вивезти свої родини в безпечні місця. Таким чином, ми зменшуємо...

Допомога захисникам Борисполя Ukraine
Mihail Andreev Бер 23, 2022

Допомога захисникам Борисполя

Коли вся країна у вогні, ми повинні дбати не лише про свій бізнес, а й про тих, хто нас захищає....

Допомога рідному місту Бориспіль Ukraine
Mihail Andreev Бер 10, 2022

Допомога рідному місту Бориспіль

Як керівник ІТ-компанії DTEAM та депутат Бориспільської міської ради, я відповідаю як за добробут колективу компанії, так і громадян. Через...

З першого дня війни Ukraine
Mihail Andreev Лют 28, 2022

З першого дня війни

З першого дня війни я хвилююсь за безпеку та благополуччя наших працівників. Тому ми з помічниками допомогли вивезти персонал у...

The best hybrid mobile app frameworks in 2020 Mobile app development
Mihail Andreev Жов 20, 2020

The best hybrid mobile app frameworks in 2020

The transition from desktop to mobile was not superfast, on the contrary, it went through stages, revealing more of the...

Mobile friendly website design – full guide Web design
Mihail Andreev Жов 20, 2020

Mobile friendly website design – full guide

Portable devices (tablets and smartphones) have quickly grown from a luxury to a common part of everyday life. Today, every...

What is the difference between web development and web design? Web design
Mihail Andreev Жов 20, 2020

What is the difference between web development and web design?

All bright and powerful resources that you open in your browser are the result of the painstaking work of web...

How to create the app on Android – all the nuances Mobile app development
Mihail Andreev Жов 15, 2020

How to create the app on Android – all the nuances

These days, all portable devices support different operating systems. For both startups and large corporations, there is one question: which...

Android vs iOS Development – What’s the Difference Mobile app development
Mihail Andreev Жов 15, 2020

Android vs iOS Development – What’s the Difference

Running a new application these days is the best idea. There were 5.1 billion mobile owners worldwide in 2019, and...

DTEAM Proud to be Named a Top Development Partner Web development
Mihail Andreev Сер 25, 2020

DTEAM Proud to be Named a Top Development Partner

Here at DTEAM, we know it can seem next to impossible to balance large scale web development while bouncing back...

What is responsive Web development? Mobile app development
Mihail Andreev Сер 10, 2020

What is responsive Web development?

The Internet is growing like crazy and hardly anyone could have imagined its popularity. This has led to an increase...

Mobile first design – new era of web development Mobile app development
Mihail Andreev Сер 10, 2020

Mobile first design – new era of web development

Over two billion people (50% of all users) around the world have access to the Web through smartphones, Invision.com claims....

Web development in Python Web development
Mihail Andreev Сер 10, 2020

Web development in Python

This is an excellent choice for beginners, yet still remains a major tool for maintaining apps and other products of...

Top languages for Web development in 2020 Web development
Mihail Andreev Сер 10, 2020

Top languages for Web development in 2020

Whether you are chatting with your Facebook friends, watching tutorial videos on YouTube, or reading another Wiki article, these frequently...

Top 21 tools for Web development Web development
Mihail Andreev Сер 10, 2020

Top 21 tools for Web development

There are hundreds of tools on offer for novice and experienced programmers. Some of them are useful while others hardly...


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